4 May 1997
Source: Printed publication, 161 pp.
The document is divided into this introductory section, five chapters and
glossary, as listed in the Contents. The complete
document may be downloaded as a single
file (text 429K, with 12 figures 339K), exclusive of hyperlinked photographs.
Space Handbook
A War Fighter's Guide to Space
Volume One
Prepared by
Maj Michael J. Muolo
Air University Air Command and Staff College
Compiled by
Maj Richard A. Hand
Edited by
Maj Richard A. Hand
Maj Bonnie Houchen
Maj Lou Larson
Air University Press
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama 36112-6428
December 1993
This publication was produced in the Department of Defense school environment
in the interest of academic freedom and the advancement of national
defense-related concepts. The views expressed in this publication are those
of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the
Department of Defense or the United States government.
This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities
and is cleared for public release.
To the Reader
As with any published work, the material immediately dates itself, thus at
times becoming less relevant. These two volumes have been written with the
expressed intent of remaining valid for as many years as possible--with the
hope of imparting an educational framework to build upon rather than current
and specific facts that often change quickly. We hope the reader will learn
principles and be stimulated in thought, rather than struggle with errata
induced by rapid change.
Submit changes to:
Maj Michael J. Muolo
Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6426
"The space support for Desert Storm [and] Desert Shield will probably be
the minimum support expected in any future crisis."
Vice Adm W. A. Dougherty, USN
Deputy Commander, US Space Command
15-21 April 1991
Space News
"The Gulf War 'was the first space war . . . it was the first war of the
space age.' "
Gen Merrill A. McPeak
Air Force Chief of Staff
8 April 1991
Aviation Week & Space Technology
"Our technology superiority, particularly in space, was essential to our
ability to prosecute the war quickly, safely and successfully."
Donald Atwood
Department of Defense Deputy Secretary
22 April 1991
Military Space
"This was the first war in which space played a central part, and DSP was
a very important part of it."
Henry Cooper
Director of US Strategic Defense Initiative Organization
1-7 April 1991
Space News
"Space systems have become an integral part of all battle resources."
Lt Gen James S. Cassity, Jr., USAF
Director of Command, Control, and Communications for the Joint Chiefs of
1-7 April 1991
Space News
"Imaging and SIGINT satellites played a very major role in the success of
the air war and as a result, the success of the ground war, just in terms
of providing a comprehensive target list, target base, for planning the air
war, [and] allowing the assessment of damage."
Jeffrey T. Richelson
National Security Archive
Washington D.C.
4 March 1991
Aerospace Daily
Truman Years: 1945-1952
Eisenhower Years: 1953-1960
International Geophysical Year
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Missile Gap
Military Space Systems
Communication and Navigation
Antiballistic Missiles
Missile Warning and Space Surveillance
North American Aerospace Defense Command and the Missile Warning Network
Kennedy and Johnson Years: 1961-1968
Military Space Systems
Military Satellites
Antiballistic Missiles
Fractional Orbit Bombardment System
Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Network
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nixon and Ford Years: 1969-1976
Soviet Threat
Antiballistic Missiles
Military Space Systems
Missile Warning and Space Surveillance Network
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Apollo X
Apollo/Soyuz Test Program
Carter Years: 1977-1980
Military Space Systems
Antisatellite Weapons
Satellite Survivability
Directed Energy Weapons
Missile Warning and the Space Surveillance Network
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Reagan Years: 1981-1988
Arms Negotiations
Strategic Defense Initiative and the Antiballistic Missile Treaty
Military Space Systems
Missile Warning and Spacetrack Network
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Shuttle Program
Bush Years: 1989-1992
International Space Law
Domestic Space Law
National Space Policy
Early Policy
Intervening Years
Carter Administration Space Policy
Reagan Administration Space Policy
Bush Administration Space Policy
Department of Defense Space Policy
Air Force Space Policy
Space Doctrine
Joint Space Doctrine
Air Force Space Doctrine
Force Support--Air Force Satellite Control Network
Dedicated and Common-User Elements
Types of Satellite Support
Satellite Operations Centers
Space Vehicle Support--Pass/Contact Description
Remote Tracking Stations
Remote Tracking Station Communications
Remote Tracking Station--Mission Unique Interfaces
Command Centers
Network Control System
Communications System--Major Components
Additional Systems
Force Enhancement
Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Defense Support Program
Navigation Systems
Communications Systems
Defense Satellite Communications System
Fleet Satellite Communications System
Aerospace Control
Space Surveillance
Space Surveillance Network
Dedicated Sensors
Collateral Sensors
Contributing Sensors
Force Applications
Global Protection against Limited Strikes
Accidental and Unauthorized Strikes
Elements of Global Protection against Limited Strikes
Global Protection against Limited Strikes Architecture
Brilliant Pebbles
US Ground-Based Defense
Follow-on Systems
The Launch Centers
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Current Launch Vehicles
Space Transportation System
The Launch Process
Space Force Support
Space Force Enhancement
Evolving Systems
Space-Based Wide Area Surveillance
Multispectral Imagery
Ultra High Frequency Follow-On
Tactical Satellites
National Launch System
National Aerospace Plane
Single Stage to Orbit
Global Protection against Limited Strikes
Classified Annexes (under separate cover)
[Not here]
A Space Support to Desert Storm (U)
B Passive Surveillance System (U)
C Defense Support Program and Follow-on Early Warning System (U)
[Figures and tables are with text; photographs are separate hyperlinked
1 Satellite Support Functional Flow
2 Remote Tracking Station Locations
3 Current Third Country Ballistic Missile Capability
4 GPALS Integrated System and Key Elements
5 GPALS Architecture: Space-Based Protection against
Ballistic Missiles with a Range Greater than 600 Kilometers
6 GPALS Architecture: Ground-Based Protection against Strategic Ballistic
7 GPALS Architecture: Protection against SLBMs
8 Complete GPALS Architecture
9 Launch Base Processing Flow
10 Typical Delta II Mission Profile
11 National Launch System Vehicle Specifications
12 Single Stage to Orbit
1 International Agreements that Limit Military Activities in Space
2 Launch Capability in California
3 Launch Capability in Florida
Echo Balloon
Mercury Capsule (Artist's Conception)
Mercury Capsule Dimensions
MR-3 Lift-off
Mercury-Atlas 9
Gemini IX Lift-off
GT-3 Lift-off
Saturn S-IVB Engine
Apollo 15 Rollout
Apollo/Soyuz Test Project Spacecraft
Voyager Spacecraft
Landsat C
Landsat D
Global Positioning System Satellite
Defense Satellite Communications System III Satellite
Fleet Satellite Communications System Satellite
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Satellite
Delta II
Titan II
Titan IV
Space Transportation System
Space-Based Wide Area Surveillance Satellite
National Aerospace Plane
For over 30 years, space has been integral to the security of the United
States and its allies. Secretary of the Air Force Donald B. Rice said, "Space
forces are a central element of our global reach, the principal attribute
of the Air Force' s aerospace operations of the future."
Recent conflicts have underscored the role space now plays in our combat
capability. Our navigation satellites provide instant pinpoint positioning
and targeting information to aircraft, ground forces, ships, and command
centers. Communications satellites provide global connectivity between all
levels of our national security infrastructure. Weather satellites report
meteorological data in near real time directly to forces in the theater.
Early warning satellites, which detect and report ballistic missile launches,
serve strategic objectives as well as tactical purposes. These and other
space systems will continue to be essential to the success of future military
operations. Whenever and wherever American men and women fight, space will
forevermore be critical to their success.
Air Force policy states, "Spacepower will assume as decisive a role in future
combat operations as airpower has today." As we move toward this goal, educating
our future leadership becomes even more critical. Air Force Space Command
has collaborated with Air University to produce this new edition of the Space
Handbook. It is an excellent two volume instructional and reference manual.
Volume 1 discusses space system organizations, roles and missions, policy,
and space applications. Volume 2 provides an introduction to the physical
laws and principles of space.
This handbook will provide new students of space a sound basis from which
to grow and will stimulate experienced professionals. It is your guide to
space and your invitation to all the excitement and opportunity therein.
Lieutenant General, USAF
Commander, Air University
One of the primary efforts of all space advocates is to integrate, fully
and effectively, the tremendous force enhancement capabilities of space-related
assets into our national war-fighting capabilities. Lt Gen Thomas S. Moorman,
Jr., states that Air Force Space Command's focus should relate to learning
what the war-fighting commands need in the way of space systems. Part and
parcel of this job is to demystify space and develop new applications for
our space products.
Recent military operations have shown that the immense tactical application
possibilities of current space systems are underused. The reason is that
the war fighters are not familiar with space assets or capabilities and therefore
do not have the tools or training to use them. The primary focus of this
volume is to educate and begin to convince war fighters that space systems
can do so much more for them than simply let them watch the fight. If the
vast potential of space systems is fully understood and effectively applied,
space can have a tremendous impact on mission planning and execution, saving
friendly lives and increasing weapon effectiveness.
Support from space assets has been successful in several recent operations.
For example: Desert One (Iran), Urgent Fury (Grenada), El Dorado Canyon (Libya),
and Just Cause (Panama). Prior to the massive effort to integrate space into
the Desert Storm theater, most efforts using space had limited success and
focused mostly on communications and intelligence. Primarily, this focus
was due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of space systems capabilities
within the war-fighting community. Most requests were ad hoc reactions and
piecemeal efforts, not fully coordinated between users and providers of space
Classified Annex A to this handbook covers in-depth space support to Operation
Desert Storm. Even though Desert Storm was tremendously successful, it showed
the need for better space understanding and applications. Gen Norman Schwarzkopf
echoed this idea when he briefed Congress on problems with battle damage
assessment and intelligence dissemination. Better space applications can
greatly improve these areas as well as other missions.
We have not fully exploited the expansive potential of space systems. We
have extremely sophisticated and capable space systems that have the advantages
of high volume collection and relay of global data in real time or near real
time. These advantages allow our forces to see, measure, and proactively
respond to a threat. However, among other problems, the users have prototype
equipment operated by untrained personnel which results in a trickle of
noncurrent information to the unit and aircrew level. Also, there is the
continuing problem of overclassifying the output and products of some space
systems. Space asset owners and operators must capitalize on the enormous
amount of money already spent on space systems and maximize their capabilities
in supporting combat execution.
Desert Storm featured a great improvement in space system utility, giving
us a new baseline from which to grow. According to Lt Gen Thomas S. Moorman,
Jr., "We proved our worth in the Persian Gulf, and in the future we will
prove our worth as we continue to enhance combat effectiveness with space
systems." Space provided critical support to all the services in navigation,
communications, weather, and intelligence. In an encouraging article from
Air Force Magazine, James Canan writes, "In military circles, space
is losing its high-flown, R&D aura and is taking on a down-to-earth,
operational look. Warfighting commanders are fast becoming sold on space
systems." The information that space systems provide to tactical forces is
extremely well received and changes the way we plan a lot of missions. We
are making a difference! This difference is an example of what needs to happen,
but we must also improve our education process.
Increasing the War Fighter's Comfort
Index for Space Systems
According to Lt Gen Thomas S. Moorman, "Our goal [as space advocates] is
to create a climate where the flying commands are comfortable with space,
and think of space solutions to their operational problems." The space community
needs to sell the utility and value of space to the war fighters and thereby
increase their comfort index on space. Lt Col Randy Peixotto, Air Force Special
Operations Command (AFSOC) states, "AFSOC forces use space capabilities on
a daily basis and on every operational mission, but like most organizations,
we do not normally recognize the extent to which we are dependent on satellites."
War-fighting commands have to become familiar with what is available and
practice using it. We need to ensure they have continuous hands-on access
to hardware even during peacetime. The phrase "train as we fight" applies
here and lies at the heart of the Space Handbook. This text is a training
tool or a stepping stone for the uninitiated and is for use by neophytes
who need to be aware of the capabilities and potential of space. We must
educate our leaders and war fighters on space, and the Handbook is
a means to help.
The bottom line is that Air Force Space Command and the Space Handbook
focus on space as a force enhancer to war-fighting operations. The objective
is to provide better understanding which will capitalize on the billions
of dollars invested in space systems to allow us to execute combat operations
more effectively.
As with most work, many people are responsible for this project's success.
There are many to thank--some for considerable help and a few for their
superlative efforts--without whom I could not have completed this project!
There are so many to acknowledge that I can list only their names. I hope
they will forgive this brevity. They know what they have accomplished, how
helpful they have been, and that I am truly grateful !
The following individuals made most meaningful contributions in many areas,
including helping to: organize, provide information, consult, support,
coordinate, edit, advise, approve, assist, empathize, suggest, and more.
Col Jack Harris Col Sandy Mangold Col Rod Payne
Dr "Buck" Grinter Ms Emily Adams Capt Robert Freeman
Maj Ted Burgner Capt Jim Wolf Mr John Jordan
Maj Joe Squatrito Maj Dale Madison Maj Ron Del Gizzi
TSgt Dennis Sanchez Maj Jerry Rand Maj Dwight Rauhala
Lt Col Ken Henry Maj Laurie Reh Maj Jeff Walters
Maj Robin Squatrito Maj Daryl Tomczyk
There were three standouts in terms of support on this effort. These three
individuals kept pushing me onward and upward towards what I hope and believe
is a useful document. These individuals helped in such areas as typing,
coordinating, editing, correcting, cheerleading, admonishing, encouraging,
consulting, listening, and advocating. My deepest and sincerest thanks go
to my wife Shirley Hand and to my friends and coworkers Andrea Pollitt and
Bonnie Houchen! I am forever indebted to you.
To any whom I may have omitted, my apologies, but thank you nonetheless.
To Chapter 1
Thanks to the author and AU Press.
Transcription and hypertext by JYA/Urban
Deadline. |